Reinvestment Continues at Treetops

Reinvestment continues at Treetops with over a half million dollars in upgrades to be completed in 2021

As the PACE project at Treetops roars on, additional reinvestment is taking place around the property to improve the look, feel and efficiency of the resort and improve our overall guest experience.

Projects already completed or in the works include a new stand up freezer for the Tavern on the Hill at Treetops North, additional ice machines in both hotels doubling the amount that are currently there and a fresh coat of paint for the Jones Clubhouse and Top of the Hill restaurants.  In the very near future, we will repave the entrance road and complete work from the past 2 summers to create a smooth surface from the front entrance to the back entrance of the main resort.  We will also repair the sidewalks outside of the Inn.

Later this summer, Treetops plans to install all new directional signage resort wide to create a uniform look throughout the resort but more importantly help guests find their way.  Treetops will also continue to upgrade its vehicle fleet throughout the year.  We also have big plans for an Extreme Tubing Expansion this summer and will expound on those details in a later entry.

Additional Capital is expected to be available in late summer/early fall and we’re excited to inform our guests about more spectacular upgrades as we move through what will prove to be one of the most active years in Treetops history.