Planning a Great Event-Tips from the Pros

As Michigan's Most Spectacular Resort, we've planned a few events in our day. Some awesome ones too, if we do say so ourselves. From insider to insider, we wanted to share some tips from our pros so you're ready for whatever event planning throws at you.

Set Event Objectives

Beautiful woman isolated over a white background thinking on something|Wilderness Cabin Bridge|people group catering buffet food indoor in luxury restaurant with meat colorful fruits and vegetables|Woman with Umbrella|Celebration. Hands holding the glasses of champagne and wine making a toast.

Have you ever been planning an event by yourself or with a team and realize that you're not even sure why you're planning it or what your direct objective is? Should you be focused on entertaining your guests, working on turning a profit for your organization, or bringing awareness to your cause? Before you start putting pen to paper and finalizing details, be sure to sit down with any decision makers involved in your event and set 1 or 2 clearly defined objectives. This will allow you to run towards the same goal and produce an event that not only reaches your objectives but exceeds the expectations of what your guests were anticipating. After all, don't you want to be known as the crazy awesome event planner that you are?

Find a Venue - Think Outside the Box


Finding a venue can be one of the most challenging parts of event or meeting planning. You're focused on unique qualities, amenities, and of course, budget. Just like you should set objectives for your event, try identifying 2 or 3 qualities that you'd like your venue to have. What are you looking for? A convention space?  Unique facility? Activities for your guests? On-site accommodations? With the chance of us risking being too forward, Treetops has got it all. A convention center, multiple accommodation options, phenomenal food & beverage, and kick-ass golf. No matter where you host your event, be sure to weigh all the options and keep your guests at the forefront of your mind.

Have an Event Timeline


If you're planning an event, you probably are organized and have an event timeline…or you're not and we're making bold assumptions. Either way, we think it's a good idea. Having an event timeline, even for just your peace of mind, can help make your event run smoothly. It doesn't have to be complicated, just informative. Like we say, "keep it simple." Request a quote.

Be Prepared for the Worst


You forgot trash receptacles, your audio-visual stops working, a guest is yelling at you for whatever reason; there are a billion ways an event can go wrong. The best solution is to be prepared for the worst. While it may not be incredibly optimistic, it is realistic. There is bound to be something that happens that attempts to throw a wrench in your amazing event. While we don't wish for mishaps to happen, we do want to encourage you to be ready for everything

Have Fun and Don't Take Anything Too Seriously


Have you ever seen an event planner running around at an event like a chicken with their head's cut off? Yep, those are the event planners who failed to realize that event planning should be fun. While you may be planning the Queen of England's Birthday Party, it's imperative to realize that event planning CAN be fun. Our staff here at Treetops likes to make that one of our main goals during the event planning process. It relieves stress and your guests really do notice a difference. So, what are you waiting for?! Book your next event at Treetops and come have fun with us! Request a quote.

Author: Chelsea Nowak

Conference Services Manager at Treetops Resort