Grill On The Hill Competitor Information

This competition is open to any level of cooking skills as well as those who are just here for a good time! You will get the opportunity to complete with other grill enthusiasts, and share your special skills and creativity with the "tasters" who will be on the search for the best BBQ.
Meat is provided upon check in by Ebels General Store & Little Town Jerky. You will have the choice of one protein option (#45 brisket, #30 pork ribs (24 racks), or #45 bone-in pork butt) when registering your team. It is first come, first serve during registration.
Entry fee is $300 per team (up to four cooking team members per team)
A team of judges will visit each team's booth and score the protein on a rating of 1-10 scale (10 being best) in the categories of appearance, taste and tenderness in each of the three meat categories. There will be one first place winner in each meat category.
In addition there will be one first-place winner chosen in People's Choice competition. Winners are chosen by the "tasters" who have one vote each.