Treetops Resort Blogs

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From the Hotel Manager’s Desk

Having basically grown up in the hospitality industry, I’ve seen a lot of interesting things. Although I can’t say strange requests surprise me anymore, I certainly have a few that stand out from the crowd. The following stories certainly stick out in my memory as some of the most bizarre requests received at the front…

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Planning a Great Event-Tips from the Pros

As Michigan’s Most Spectacular Resort, we’ve planned a few events in our day. Some awesome ones too, if we do say so ourselves. From insider to insider, we wanted to share some tips from our pros so you’re ready for whatever event planning throws at you. Set Event Objectives Have you ever been planning an…

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Meaning of Spa

What is The Meaning of Spa? When you look up the word spa in the dictionary you will find many different meanings of the word: A mineral spring is considered to have health-giving properties. A commercial establishment offering health and beauty treatment through such means as steam baths, exercise equipment and massage. A spa is…

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Robert’s Dream

This year in the United States an estimated 1,735,350 people will discover they have cancer – that’s approximately 4,750 per day. Treetops Resort gives back to these courageous men and women each year through Robert’s Dream. You have an opportunity to recognize someone you love who is currently battling cancer by nominating them to win…

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